Chapter 14

Clarifications By Nephi

1 My beloved family and friends, I am guessing that you are wondering what you should do after you have been baptized. 2 Why is this a mystery to you? Don’t you remember that I told you that after you received the Holy Ghost that you would be able to speak like angels? 3 How could you speak like angels if the Holy Ghost wasn’t helping you? Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost and speak the words of Christ. 4 I already told you “Feast upon the words of Christ. They will tell you everything that you should do.”

5 This is the last time I am going to tell you that. If you still don’t understand its because you haven’t studied and prayed about it. You have to do this if you want to be saved. 6 If you are baptized and receive the Holy Ghost it will show you everything that you need to do. 7 This is the doctrine of Christ! There will be no more doctrine given until after he visits you in the flesh. 8 When he visits you in the flesh you will do what he teaches you.

9 Now I can’t say anymore; the Spirit compels me to stop. I am left to mourn because of the distrust, wickedness, ignorance, and stubbornness of humanity. They don’t have interest in searching out knowledge or understanding even when it is so easy to understand.

10 My beloved family and friends, I sense that you still have questions regarding this. It makes me sad that I still have to speak on this topic to you. 11 The Spirit teaches everyone to pray, just listen to it! If you listened to the Spirit you would know you have to pray about this. The evil spirit teaches you not to pray! 12 You have to always keep praying; don’t give up! You shouldn’t do anything for the Divine unless you pray to the Creator in the name of Christ first. If you do this They will bless you and it will help your soul.